Snow surprises here


Preparation Day! We got a map of TWIN FALLS at the Visitor's Center by the canyon. They have a Tesla Supercharger Station there and there were a lot of Teslas there. I have pics of the canyon. We also bought stuff and did emails and played some sports ball.


We went dairy hunting in Murtaugh. We found some new worker housing units.


We had a new format of weekly planning that we did.


3 appointments cancelled.


EXCHANGES! I was with Elder Erwin in our area. We were going to go to Murtaugh but that appointment cancelled. It was a pretty slow day but Elder Erwin said he enjoyed it. Yeah. Glad we saved the miles by not driving 3/4 the way to Oakley.


Pretty normal day. I had to give a talk in the Spanish Branch. It actually went pretty well. I used the time I was supposed to and I did it in Spanish. After that we went and visited a few investigators for the Spanish Branch. And yeah. After we went home I prepared for the great music organization party of 2018, which is happening as I write this.


PREPARATION DAY! It is snowing. We plan to go to Walmart then play basketball or something. Right now I am organizing my music for the last time before I get to put it on my SMARTPHONE! WOOO! OK. I actually can't type like a normal person today. 

Shorter one because it was a shorter week. But I do have PLENTY OF PICTURES. BECAUSE GOOGLE DRIVE IS ALLOWED! Ok love you bye.

-Elder Hazeslip

 I kinda ran out of time a bit. I'll have more pictures next week but until then. Bye.

Q & A 

1. Mission Leadership Council - is for district leaders and zone leaders? There were pics shared from the one in Twin Falls this week. Just for Zone Leaders (pretty much general authorities) and Sister Training Leaders. The Rupert Zone has Spanish ZLs, but that is it.

2. Best thing that happened this week?
We got invited to sit at the big kid table with the big boys (very successful farmers). We will do that on Thursday.

3. How excited are you about becoming a technology mission and getting smart phones? Very. Pretty much the day I have been waiting for since I got my mission call.

4. Is there anyone in your area/mission that you would like us to pray for?
E! And E!

5. Still predicting you will serve another transfer in Hansen/Kimberly area?
Yep. We sat down and ranked the Spanish areas. We determined that Kimberly is 7th and Burley was 2nd. 1 was Boise and 14 was Mtn. Home. We will see what happens but if anyone goes it would probably be Elder Snow.

6. What meal or dish do you get fed most often by members?

7. What stood out to you the most in your studies this week?
Every one of the 12 Tribes has a record. We only have 2. There are 10 more out there somewhere. (2 Nephi somewhere)

8. Anything funny happen this week?
We helped some investigators get rid of some... things. We smashed them and threw them away so they would live the Word of Wisdom. Also every single moment on exchanges with Elder Erwin. He is hilarious.

9. Do you need anything?
Not really right now. Thanks!

10. How often do you wash your sheets?
So far about once a transfer!

LOVE YOU! I'll write the other email thing soon. SMARTPHONE DAY IS THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!



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