I can feel my toes

 Eating a burger at a gas station that has a great verse hanging on the wall.
stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen. D&C 87:8"


We went to Cafe Rio. Sweet Pork Barbacoa is very good. After that we went to Walmart and Deseret Book then went home. Later on we visited a few families and had a fairly productive day.


Kinda slower day. Not much really happened. We may have found a new investigator so that was cool, but we didn't get to teach any lessons really.


Weekly Planning pretty much took up all of our morning as usual. Then we had a District meeting on top of it! Then we had studies! Then we had dinner! Then we had a Coordination Meeting! Then the appointment we had fell through. So yeah, the day went by quickly and we didn't get to teach any lessons.


I started to get a cold thing- I'm not sick though. Saying you are sick is the first step to becoming sick. Therefore I am not sick. I have a cold thing. We were going to help a family move today but they didn't show up so we went home and did studies. WE visited a few different families in the afternoon and we were able to meet with our investigator with a baptism date! He is still good! It is happening! WOO! all is well.


We went to a baptism for an 8 year old that me and Elder Marin taught. Later on we had dinner then our investigator who is getting baptized this Saturday had his interview. So that is definitely happening! We also found out that our other investigator got a job! So we can't visit him every day now. May have shot ourselves in the foot with that one because now he works Sundays too. Oh well, we will figure it out. Good day though.


NEW YEARS EVE! We had to be back in our house by 6:30. We went to church at the Spanish Branch in Twin Falls. After that we visited a bunch of referrals in Kimberly. They all seem pretty open to taking the lessons. After that we went back into Twin Falls for dinner then back to Hansen for NEW YEARS EVE! We watched Legacy and did studies. That movie is really good.


So yeah, it is 2018 now. This was a good day. We went back to Kimberly and visited a bunch of Spanish-speaking investigators/potentials. Later on we ate gas station hamburgers for dinner. It was surprisingly good. 


Preparation Day! We will get stuff done and things. I will also probably get a haircut. 



Q and A with Elder Hazeslip:

1. Where did you get your new Mickey Mouse blanket? The other Kimberly Elders found a mountain of blankets in a closet of their house. Elder Snow needed one because he didn't have any but I went and took that one. He actually got an Arizona State blanket anyway.
His new blanket in case you missed the last blog post. 
2. So, can I redo your room in a Mickey Mouse theme? Or maybe just the 1/2 bath, or both?  Hmm. Tal vez on the bedroom, but definitely on the half bath! It needs an update.

I totally think we could pull this off in his bedroom! : )
3. What inspired the potato give away? Guido, 2nd counselor in the Hansen Bishopric. The ward has lots of potato farmers and lots of people to give them to.

4. What is Elder Snows Spanish background? He had Spanish his Freshman and Sophomore year, but took 3 Spanish classes in that time. And he lives in Arizona.

5. Are you going to mail stuff back that’s in your way? Go for it if it’s helpful.  I might, I really don't have this whole postal service thing down yet. I'm going to buy envelopes today so that I can send letters. So far nothing is really in the way. I'm probably not going to be transferred for a while. (Official prediction March 15th)

6. Who should we give a BOM to in Cabot? Anyone really! Follow the Spirit and you will know who is ready.

7. Did you get some boots and snow pants on p day? Go sledding too? Nope, no sledding. I did get boots though. Now most of the snow is melted. That's just the way things go through!

8. How is training going? I’m confident that you’re a great trainer. Good! I can't lie though Elder Snow is training me half the time. Lots of fire and motivation in him.

9. Did you count down the New Year at 10:30pm? Nope we pretty much just passed out at 10:15pm lol!

10. Any lessons or quotes or words of wisdom for your family? Talk to new people you see at church and invite friends to church activities. Also, you don't put beans on ceviche tostadas.


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