
Showing posts from January, 2019

Knock Knock Knockin' on a Random Door

This coming week will mark 6 months (approximately) until the end of my mission. So I feel weird now.  Last week was fun but went by really fast due to the fact that It was a day shorter than normal and I went on two exchanges. The first one was with Elder Manesse from Cedar City, Utah. We started out in Fairfield, which now has the title of most unique town I have ever been in. It is very isolated and small. There is only a branch there, one of only 4 English Branches in our mission. Since the snowbanks didn't allow us to park the car at each house, we walked around and knocked doors. We met some very  interesting   people but not too many very  interested  people.  The next day we had interviews with President Bartlett and District council. Afterwards I started the second exchange with Elder Chavez.  We went up to Hailey and had a few appointments. But for the most part we spend the days walking around and knocking doors again. Elder Chavez speaks Spanish

Where are the earth-benders when you need them?

Hello everyone! We had a good time sledding last week. It went well, the snow was good. We got exercise from hiking up a mountain 7 times and nobody got hurt!  Sled Squad  Sledding 5 Misspelled "Go"  NOT TODAY FRIO I also went on exchanges with Elder Flake again! We spent the whole day in Dietrich and I got to see cows again. We also got to meet with someone who was baptized while I was in Kimberly almost a YEAR AGO! STOP THIS MADNESS NOW!  Back To Vacas Flake The exchange got extended so we could bring packages up to Sun Valley for the sisters. Then it got extended again when the Hailey Elders got stuck in a service project in Ketchum. There was a broken sewer line that needed dug up. They didn't know exactly where it was and they didn't have time to get the utilities marked (so no using a backhoe). BTW, Did I mention the ground was frozen solid? So Elder Flake and I got picked up and we went

Goodbye Boise

HELLO! Last week we tried to go sledding (Just like every other week) but there was TOO MUCH SNOW! That being said we will try again today. Other than that this week has flown by. Why? BOISE TRIP THAT'S WHY! It has been brought to my attention that every trip to Boise from here on out could be the last time I ever see that  beautiful  metropolis in my life (that is what the subject line means, so don't panic). With all of the traffic, and people, and traffic. The only downside being the traffic of course.      We did run into the very isolated Boise Spanish Missionaries though! (Pic at top of blog) The trip was made better by the fact that I got to go with good ole Elder Woodin, who just got transferred out of our district less than two weeks ago. He thought he escaped an exchange this transfer...   ...he did not. Right after that trip we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders, I was once again with Elder Miller. By

Come on dude bro!

Hola!  It's 2019, there is snow on the ground, Elder Silva and I are staying in Sun Valley until at least Valentine’s Day. Also, the Sun Valley Elders are now the Sun Valley Sisters, so two fewer exchanges will be nice. BIG NEWS: We had a mission-wide phone conference on Wednesday night and they notified us that in July the Nampa mission would be dissolved and become part of the Boise mission.  Also, everything east of Mountain Home will break off and become part of the Idaho Pocatello Mission. All of this excitement will happen during my LAST TRANSFER. That is all we know for now, but we will get more info at Zone Conference later in the month. Not as big news: We didn't go sledding last week, but we had 4-5 inches of snow on Sunday morning and we got another 6-8 inches last night. There was so much snow, they DELAYED school in HAILEY! So sledding will definitely be happening!  That is all I have for today! Happy New Year! -Elder Hazeslip