
Showing posts from June, 2018

WOW! What happened at that party?! Crazy!!

HI! This was actually quite an eventful week. On Tuesday I went to Malta on exchanges with Elder Royal. We spent the morning in south Malta trying to visit a few people and I got a lot of pictures of the cool scenery and cows while we were down there. ​   Malta     Malta ​MaltaPreaching     MaltaSky   MaltaSky   InnovationThatExcites ​​ Then that afternoon we went up to Raft River to do service for a few people. I was going to wear a t-shirt, but apparently that won't fly in Raft River. So I got some proper attire for the afternoon from Elder Royal.  (Pic at top of blog) One of the people we helped has worked on movies. He trained horses for the "Geronimo" movies and also for Legacy. The Ox that was healed and walked again. That was his. We hauled some gravel around and then helped clean out his goat pen. There were several years of goat manure in there. Stacked up like 3 feet. It is the worst thing I have

I'd give up (a lot) for you to receive the blessings of the Gospel... Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Hi everyone! Apologies in advance for the rather small quantity of pictures this week. Hopefully the crazy stories make up for it! This week we ran into some roadblocks with our investigators. Namely the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity . So, all of that was kind of a bummer. HOWEVER! There is still progress, so that makes things better. Elder Blashill was sick one day this week, so to avoid going insane I undertook several home repair projects, including: Removing a razor cap from our bathroom sink drain, fitting an aerator onto the bathroom sink using aluminum foil instead of plumber's tape because it wasn't available, and fixing several shelves. Then we visited J. Pretty much the best thing about serving in Declo. He is a really good chef and he signed up to feed us on Thursday. He wanted us to have a taste of home so he made us some BBQ Pulled Pork with all the fixin's. Best food I have had in Idaho. He also got me a birthday card that said: *Pic

Drink a glass of water with 4 ice cubes in it.

Oh yeah! Transfers happened this week! NOTHING CHANGED! I am still here in the beautiful land of Declo with my soon to be longest-time companion Elder Blashill.  There were a few good stories this week but I don't remember when they happened. One of them was when we visited a less active member who used to be a detective. Anyway, after our visit we told him about transfers and mentioned that there was a missionary who was on his 5th transfer in a very slow, low population area. He said, "Tell him to drink a glass of water with 4 ice cubes in it". We asked him how that would help and he responded, "It won't, but at least you have something to tell him." We also had a less active member we visited and read the Book of Mormon with. We told him that repentance and taking the sacrament are like getting baptized again. His face lit up, it made us really happy. He hasn't been to church in 30+ years and he said that he was going to come soon.