Rocky Mountain Oysters, BASE Jumping, and Dark Ninjitsu

WOW what a week!
We had our Temple trip on Tuesday so our preparation day got moved to that day. Before we went to the Temple we went shopping and looked at the canyon we saw some people jump off the bridge...

It's all cool because they had parachutes.

I got to meet this guy who I will call "WB". He is a less active member who is trying to quit smoking so we go over to help him with that. He told us a lot of stories about martial arts and stuff he did when he was younger. But he "never messed around with that Dark Ninjitsu, boodoo worshiping (crap)" Apparently that works through the devil and not Jesus, and he only wants to worship Jesus. So he sticks to Tae kwon do. He is doing well with giving up the cigarettes too.

We also had another visit with a guy who used to be a detective for Cassia County. It was a long talk that covered, in order: Baseball, the time they accidentally tear gassed the whole city of Albion during training, smartphones and why some people might as well be married to them, and at the very end, how "Life is the biggest game of baseball in the universe, and the stakes are higher than we can imagine." I like it when things wrap back to the beginning again.

I also saw some pigs. They were very large. Pigs are impressively disgusting creatures.​

Later on we did service, but realized we needed service clothes. But I took a picture anyway.​

I was trying to make friends with the Turkeys...​

J gave me this disguise too, he hoped it'd make me look old enough to be a missionary.​

Thanks J!

Monday was a really good day, I got to go on exchanges with Elder Royal. We were actually in the MTC at the same time for 1 day. His last was my first. It was a fun day. J made us some Rocky Mountain Oysters and we helped him clean up a TON of tree branches he had in his front yard. The 'oysters' weren't too bad, I'm not going to seek them out in the future, but I can now cross that off the list! Among other things we did that day, we read the Book of Mormon with an older less-active member of the church. He gave us some cool stamps with Mister Rogers on them. And we took a picture in front of the Albion sign.
 Blurry Plate


Not Hot Dog

Rocky Mountain Oysters



 God's Country

Royal Albion

It's been a fun week that went by REALLY FAST! But it's been fun.

Well, I guess I'll just end this email with some pictures of nature I got this week. It's really pretty up here!

Wear your seatbelts and read the Book of Mormon! Love all of you!

-Elder Hazeslip

Declo Sunset

​​H2O Canyon Sunset

Albion Meadow

 Sun is going down

 Canal Road

 sun 2

 sun 3

Q and A 

1. Do you need anything?
Right now I think I am good.

2. How did the suit alterations go?
Well I think we have our mission tour with Brian K.Taylor on Wednesday so afterwards we are going to go pick the pants up. All they altered were the pants, but as long as they can stay on without the belt I'll be happy.

3. Best day this week? 
That is a really hard one. Either Monday when we went to the temple or yesterday when I was on exchanges with Elder Royal and we did a lot of service and had weird food. Both were really good.

4. Best meal this week?
Not necessarily the best but one you need to know about were the Rocky Mountain Oysters. They weren't delicious but they weren't terrible either. I'll send pics in the weekly email but they were blurry.

5. Did you meet and teach anyone new this week? 
Nobody new sadly. But we did have a lot of good lessons with the people we already knew! There was a guy who was into martial arts and stuff but he was a less active member that missionaries had met with before. It was just new for me. 

6. Anything make you lol this week? 
B mentioned something about "Dark Ninjitsu worshoping boodoo" stuff that he doesn't like because it isn't through Jesus and he also swore a lot. Fun times. Also we did service for the guy who made us the "oysters" and he climbed up on a ladder really high with a chainsaw with his oxygen on. It was more nervous laughter that time. He came down and said something about angels protecting him and he was 100% correct on that one. He needs to get baptized!

7. Did any of the wards in your area have a Memorial Day activity?
None that I was aware of. 

8. Favorite song(s) to listen to this week. 

9. What did you learn this week? 
There is this new section on Gospel Library called Gospel Topics. It is really cool and you don't have to worry about giving a talk ever again. Check it out and you will learn a lot. Also the DNA Book of Mormon Studies article is really good.

10. Do you have any questions for me? 
I really can't think of any right now. OH YEAH, WHAT ARE RUBIES MADE OF? Silicon or what, why are they red? And where can they be found? How do they stop people from counterfeiting stamps? Not having open access to google is really hurting me and people are asking me questions that I don't know the answers to.

Ok, Better get started on the weekly email now


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