
Showing posts from April, 2019

Golden Doodle

HOLA! This week was really eventful (and therefore, very fast). We had 2 new people come to sacrament meeting this week. Yeah, so, um... Here is the rest of the email. We do service at the senior center in Buhl from time to time. They gave us a tour of the upstairs portion of the building this week. It was built in the 20s and was pretty much abandoned in the 60's, although they used it as a homeless shelter until the 80's. It was cool to see the history of the town. Hotel Buhl: The creepy dolls were made by a few women in the town. It was their hobby. If you are on Main Street you can see them looking out the window. Just a little bit creepy to me IMHO. EXCHANGES WITH ELDER EASTER (STIRLING, ALBERTA, CANADA) San Jacinto, Nevada: So, south of Jackpot is a small area called San Jacinto. It's pretty much just a ranch. Well, we drove out there and talked to all the people who were t

Water Heaters

Hello! Easter was yesterday, it was a really good day. The two sacrament meetings we had were very good and one lady who came for the first time wants to learn more!  I ripped my pants (SFW) *New Elder! Square UP Squirrel We had a very eventful week. Our water heater broke (I need to stay away from those things). But it got replaced the same day, so that is nice. We ended up helping someone drain a water heater in their basement so they could replace the heating elements. This was the same day our water heater broke. Then, there were 4 times that water heaters came up in a discussion (before we brought up that ours had broken).  We were supposed to learn about water heaters that day. So, here is a gospel message about water heaters. The world is full of bad things, like hard water. When a water heater is trying to warm up hard water, it collects calcium deposits and the heating elements get corroded. When the corrosion gets too bad, it stop

That's for sure

Buhl! Stuff is going good. I went on exchanges with Elder Nielson. We rode bikes, I felt like a real missionary. It was fun.  It rained this week. It doesn't seem like it rains that often in Idaho, so we took advantage of it.  Love you all! Pictures are worth a thousand words so here are pictures! The cat's name is Remington, he works at the Buhl Herald. -Elder Hazeslip


Hello everyone! I'm still in Bbbbuhl and life is good. General Conference was this past weekend and from start to finish it felt like about 2 hours. However, I have been told that it was actually around 10 hours. We spent a lot of the week inviting people to watch conference, we talked to some people at a skate park, and also cleaned a ton of pigeon poop out of a 100 year old building In conclusion, conference was amazing and "time is running out"! Love you all! -Elder Hazeslip


I have left Hailey and I am now in Buhl. It's a good place, very reminiscent of both Kimberly and Declo.  My new companion is Elder Smith from Honeyville, Utah (he didn't have to come far.) JK, he is actually waiting for a visa to go to the Ecuador Quito Mission. Anyway, its been fun, we only cover three wards so I should be able to meet everyone in the next three months.  PS: We just picked up Elder Royal to take him to Walmart. Big News in Hailey, kinda rude that it didn't happen until after I left but OK. Confidential, so I will have details next week. Here are pictures! Homemade Flautas ^^ Love you all! -Elder Hazeslip