Where are the earth-benders when you need them?

Hello everyone!

We had a good time sledding last week. It went well, the snow was good. We got exercise from hiking up a mountain 7 times and nobody got hurt!

 Sled Squad

 Sledding 5

Misspelled "Go" 


I also went on exchanges with Elder Flake again! We spent the whole day in Dietrich and I got to see cows again. We also got to meet with someone who was baptized while I was in Kimberly almost a YEAR AGO! STOP THIS MADNESS NOW!

 Back To Vacas


The exchange got extended so we could bring packages up to Sun Valley for the sisters. Then it got extended again when the Hailey Elders got stuck in a service project in Ketchum. There was a broken sewer line that needed dug up. They didn't know exactly where it was and they didn't have time to get the utilities marked (so no using a backhoe).

BTW, Did I mention the ground was frozen solid?

So Elder Flake and I got picked up and we went to go help dig this trench. When we got there, the plumber showed up and marked where the pipe was. It was RIGHT NEXT to the first hole they dug.

 2 More Transfers

This trench was a waste of time. However, it wasn't a complete waste of time, as Elder Silva said, "Well, at least we are jacked now"


We got the hole fixed and the man we were helping took us to the Sun Valley Lodge. We looked around, it was really fancy and we were really dirty but they didn't seem to mind.

 Sun Valley Lodge

Ice Skating Rink 


Baldy Mountain

We had pizza in Sun Valley and went back home and ended the exchange after almost 48 hours.

 Pizza de Papa

We also did service stacking firewood. We had to deliver it to a condo on the third floor. So we found a more efficient way to do it: Poor Man Go Pro

 Baldy 2

Love you all! Have a good week!

-Elder Hazeslip

Bonus Pictures because this email is already too long:


Nevada Grande  

Heavy Machinery

 Snow Bunny

 The Whitest Selfie Of All Time (at top of blog)

These are all from some other service we did during the week.

Q & A

Hello! Glad you got some snow! We got some Arkansas snow up here this past week. Really wet and heavy. Shut the whole town down. School was delayed again but this time we saw people still shoveling snow at NIGHT. I've got lots of pictures and videos to share.

Here are your answers! We are going to play sports in Shoshone so I'll be able to see if you respond while I'm there.

1. Any questions for me? 

How close to the average snowfall has Hailey received so far?

2. Do you need anything? 

Right now I'm doing really well! I asked Sydney for the Maple Leaf Rag sheet music so I can learn the rest of it but if you could send it that would be nice. I'll be near a piano in Shoshone.

3. How is the teaching going? 

Teaching is going really well. We don't have any situations where we don't have someone we can see. We have one lady who is consistently coming to church with her granddaughter and the family on baptismal date still hasn't made it back to church BUT NEXT WEEK FOR SURE! We hope.

4. Best day this week? 

Last Monday was incredible. The sledding was the best we have every done. I'm sure you've seen the videos. I bought some snow pants at a thrift shop for like 7 bucks so I didn't get cold at all either. We hiked up the mountain like 7 times to just sled back down again.

5. Best meal this week? What foods are commonly eaten in Peru that we don’t normally eat in the states? I guess that’s really a question for Elder Silva. I know you’re enjoying the Peruvian dishes in Idaho! 

The Idaho Pizza at the pizza place in Sun Valley. It was the best pizza I have had. 

Dishes I have had from Peru:
Lomo Saltado
Arroz con Pollo
Papa a la Huancaina
Tallerines Verdes

Crema de Huancaina

Kola Inglesa
Inca Kola
Chicha Morada

Lots of other stuff that I have heard of but not eaten yet. It seems really easy to make most of the dishes and they taste good. You just need rice, some kind of meat, potatoes or some vegetables (fries count) and you put it on a plate and eat it with any of those sauces mentioned.

6. What made you laugh this week? 

The sound Elder Baker made as he slid down the mountain from the top.

7. What did you learn this week? 

Oh, just getting better at contacting people. They are really encouraging us to talk to 10 new people a day and we have to report how many we talk to each day. So we are trying our best. 

8. Most challenging day? 

Wednesday was tough. We had lots of service trying to get the pipe fixed. Frozen ground is not easy to get up. 

9. Uplifting quote, scripture, thought?

I saw a video with Elder Rasband and Elder Bednar in front of the prison where they kept Peter and Paul. WE HAVE APOSTLES TODAY! It is really crazy how big of a claim that is but it is true. Those men wouldn't lie about being Apostles of the Lord just as Peter and Paul wouldn't.

10. What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming week? 

Hmm, I don't really know. Next week is the zone conference we have been waiting for so that will be nice to finally see what is going on. This week is going to go by fast because we have 2 exchanges and interviews and it’s a day shorter until the next preparation day!

Love you!



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