Knock Knock Knockin' on a Random Door

This coming week will mark 6 months (approximately) until the end of my mission. So I feel weird now. 

Last week was fun but went by really fast due to the fact that It was a day shorter than normal and I went on two exchanges. The first one was with Elder Manesse from Cedar City, Utah. We started out in Fairfield, which now has the title of most unique town I have ever been in. It is very isolated and small. There is only a branch there, one of only 4 English Branches in our mission. Since the snowbanks didn't allow us to park the car at each house, we walked around and knocked doors. We met some very interesting people but not too many very interested people. 

The next day we had interviews with President Bartlett and District council. Afterwards I started the second exchange with Elder Chavez. 

We went up to Hailey and had a few appointments. But for the most part we spend the days walking around and knocking doors again. Elder Chavez speaks Spanish and is from California, so it was really easy to determine which houses we needed to knock-California licence plates.

The second day of the exchange was spend pretty much the same way. Except we also had a challenge: We had to move a piano from Ketchum to Bellevue and didn't have a truck to do it. So after a lot of phone calls and stress, 4 missionaries and 1 ward mission leader were able to move a piano down a flight of stairs. So that was THE miracle of the week!

Oh yeah, it was also Elder Silva's Birthday. So we got some Ceviche and other Peruvian foods.

 That's all I have for this week! Love you all!

-Elder Hazeslip


Q & A

Hi mom! We are going to have a ping pong tournament today, so I'll write this while we play! 

1. Did the piano music work? Did you learn to play the rest? 

The piano music works! I'm practicing it now!

2. Any questions for me? (I’ll do my best)

Transfers at home? Any other missionaries from the Jax ward leaving in the summer?

3. Do you need anything?

Doing great right now, thanks!

4. Best meal this week? 

Ceviche. Hands down.

5. Spiritual highlight?

We read the baptismal interview questions with a guy in Gooding who has been talking with missionaries for a few years now and he decided to get baptized.

Also another person we have been teaching is praying for a baptismal date now. We went for the lesson and her 5 year old was passed out on the couch listening to "I am a Child of God".

6. Most challenging day?

Moving the piano on Saturday. We had some people who were going to help, cancel. So we had to scramble. The sisters had to help us get it down the stairs because of how it worked out.

7. What made you laugh? 

Crazy drunk guy in Fairfield who said his name was Sir Vinny or Iggy Pop. Drunk out of his mind. He said that "Republican is the most vile sin from the pit of hell" then pointed at the guy who he lives with and said "this is my friend D who let me live with him for free. He is a Republican.” Crazy stuff.

8. What did you learn? 

Well, for one, how to move a piano down stairs.

9. Best day this week? 

Last Tuesday was really good. We had all of the district together for the first time and played sports. Then we had another lesson with the previously hostile people and they were completely different this time.

10. What are you studying? 

The New Testament with the Come Follow Me Book. I also did some studying in the book of Moses which was cool.

Love you!


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