Christmas! Yep, that is the entire subject line, if you want details read the email (it is a good one though)

Hello everyone! Merry Christmas Eve! 

This week was once again good! I went on two more exchanges, one with Elder Melton from Indiana and the other with Elder Kennedy from Italy!

It snowed with Elder Melton. (Pic at top)

I made venison nachos with Elder Kennedy:

Here is your funny story for the week. Elder Silva and I were knocking doors to share Light the World with people and these two Spanish-speaking men let us in (story translated for convenience). We shared it with them and asked where they were from and they told us they were from Nyarit. I said, "It seems like half of the people here are from Mexico, the other half are Peruvians". The older of the two men then went on a rant about Peruvians (they are all over the place, can't get rid of them, etc). Anyway, then the other asked, "So you two are both just from Idaho then?"

Elder Silva: "no actually I'm from Peru" 

The younger guy then starts laughing and roasting the older guy as he gets red and says, "You don't look Peruvian, you don't even have the accent!?"

It was funny, trust me.

Other than that, it is cold and there is ice everywhere! Love all y'all! Merry Christmas everyone!

-Elder Hazeslip

Bonus pictures: Llama Themed Tree 

 A E S T H E T I C 


 Q & A

HELLO SEA COW! Someone told us they weren't endangered anymore? Is that true? if so CONGRATULATIONS!

1. Best day this week? 

OOOOF. I really couldn't tell you. Zone Conference was fun but it also drained me to make the drive all the way down there again. But for the sake of being honest. Zone Conference is always a spiritual highlight. 1 hour sacrament meeting was good too though.

2. What made you laugh this week? 

The story in the weekly email with Elder Silva. I'm trying to think of anything else but drawing a blank. I'll look through my journal for all the funny stories I can tell you TOMORROW!!!

3. Best meal this week? 

Wow! Oh, we had Lomo Saltado with a family who we are going to start teaching. It was like some meat with french fries and rice. Peruvian stuff. The husband is from Guatemala and the Wife is from Peru. They are really nice. They gave us some mugs. (2nd time being there) He really wanted to read the Book of Mormon, so we gave him one of those. He kept calling us "chicos", I have never been happier to be called that. 

We also had prime rib and creme brulee with the guy (mentioned below) who hadn't been to church for several years. It was good stuff too, but that is technically this week.

4. Christmas Sunday services in your ward(s) there, any special programs?

Church-wide there was a 1 hour sacrament meeting for Christmas with the Bishopric as speakers. It was a good one though. We had 3-4 non-members there and one man who hadn't been to church since he was a young man. So that was really cool! 

5. Do you need anything? 

The light bulb of my scentsy burner burned out. But that isn't an emergency since Elder Silva has one too. His doesn't have a light bulb. But when transfers happen that would be nice! 

6. Did you get all your packages and cards? 

I'm pretty sure I did!  We will take a video of the present opening tomorrow morning!

7. Any questions for me? 

Oh man. Why do I always forget this part... I'll remember them for tomorrow! Promise

8. What time will you be able to Skype

Tomorrow at 7:00 pm MST!

9. Uplifting quote, thought, scripture, or song? 

The last lighttheworld video! Light your faith! The most important one! Everything that we have been doing to serve others throughout the initiative has been to try to bring people closer to Christ and know who he his! Just think about that as you watch it.

10. What are you studying? 

Still reading in the Book of Mormon mostly. Although I have also ventured into the New Testament. Mainly reading Luke Chapter 2. There aren't much details in there. So the stuff we do have must be pretty important!

LOVE YOU! See you tomorrow!


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