Time toooo! Burn my TIE!


This week went by very quickly.

Temple day! I think I pretty well covered what we did last week since we did emails last. So yeah. Afterwards we went back to Hansen and enjoyed the warmth while it lasted.

We had a district meeting and went to Maxie's for lunch afterwards. Other than that nothing super interesting happened. Except Valentine’s day.

6 MONTHS! I'll count it from the day I got to the MTC.
jk. Also I stole that idea from Elder Hutchison. 

I tried learning the Hebrew Alphabet using Psalm 119. I realized there were a few letters missing. I also had a realization that Alphabet probably comes from Alpha beta.
Anyway, missionary work also happened. We had interviews in Twin Falls and afterwards got to meet an old investigator for the first time.

We did stuff in Murtaugh! We also had appointments that didn't get cancelled down there for a change. They ended up going really well.

We had an investigator come to church!?! It was great. We also had a less active member who we visited the night before come to church. It was a very satisfying day. We don't have to baptize people to be happy for their progress. Then, it got cold and icy. THANKS IDAHO!

Pretty chill day. By chill, I mean VERY COLD. Snow was drifting like crazy. (Not my companion, the actual Snow, his TIWI card isn't in yet).
​We did have a lot of success though. We did not want to stand outside. My face was numb immediately.

I also ate these little guys:


Got a haircut:



​Also, it’s a balmy 9 degrees here today. Fun times. Going bowling later.

Now all of the other Elders in my District are from Arizona.

I will take this opportunity to explain: AR is ARKANSAS; AZ is ARIZONA. There must have been a mix up somewhere.

Alright! Still having fun in IDAHO! (plz get warmer though)
Love you all!

-Elder Hazeslip

Q & A

1. Did you get another journal? Yes. I have a new Journal!

2. What is the purpose of life? I can accept 42 or The Plan of Salvation. Probably the latter one though.

3. Best meal this week? We had Japanese boiled stuff. It was in a pot in the middle and it kept filling up with more stuff as we ate. You can probably guess where we ate that at. Also dried fish.

4. How are your investigators progressing? Pretty well. We have A. who is scheduled to be baptized next week. He is really REALLY ready. He came to church this past Sunday. E. said he would come to church but didn't. He is also moving to Las Vegas so maybe that is best for him. 

5. What are you studying? The Book of Mormon We have been listening to Conference talks more often. Richard G. Scott tells good bedtime stories. (Very soothing voice). Perfection Pending by Russell M. Nelson is good too. He was just casually studying the New Testament in Greek and English.

6. What did you learn this week? I had a random realization on Friday that the word alphabet probably comes from alpha beta. I also learned that everything south of 3200 North road in Hansen is a Spanish-speaking country. 

7. Funniest thing that happened this week? I mean. Lots of things. We read the Family Home Evening handbook (Gospel Library) and studied the  "Sense of Humor" Lesson. Apparently sarcasm isn't church sanctioned. Oh well. I bet the Terrestrial Kingdom probably isn't too bad.

8. Do you dream in Spanish or English?  Mostly English, although it has been a while since I have had a dream that I remembered. I have had some dreams in Spanish though, but mostly English, and mostly crazy.

9. Best thing that happened this week? We found out that M. G. moved back! He wanted to get baptized when he returned from Mexico. Also, we got the old branch president to come back to church! He has been inactive since he got released. We just were finally able to get a hold of him. (4 months after showing up here).

10. Do you need anything? I really think I'm good on things right now! Thank you so much for everything!

OK. Love you!


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