First P-Day

                   Elder Blashill y Yo                  

Introduction of Characters:
-Elder Blashill: Mí compañero por el CCM. He's from Amarillo, TX and is also going to Boise.
-Elder Utrilla: Another missionary in our room. From Utah and going to Argentina.
-Elder Hutchison: Also in our room, from Utah and going to Ventura California.
-Elder Foley: Had 11 years of Spanish classes, but chose to be in the intermediate class instead of the native speaker class because he wanted más training en el CCM. From New Jersey and going to Logan Utah.


So we recently found out that the only reason our district (the missionaries in my Spanish class, 6 companionships) has tablets is because Elder Foley is going on a tablet mission, so everyone else in the class gets a tablet to use cuando en el CCM. We are all very grateful for him. The biggest benefit of having a tablet is having access to Google translate, although looking at the maps is fun too. It will be a very sad day when I have to leave the MTC and my iPad behind.

The Spanish class I'm in is apparently intermediate level, which is good because we didn't start from the beginning and it also means I didn't completely bomb the phone interview. Elder Blashill and I taught our first "investigator" Gilberto in Spanish and it went pretty well. We also got some exercise time yesterday and we will have some more today.

We are planning on joining the choir so that we get seats at the devotional, although neither of us can sing very well. The new buildings are nice and there is an awesome view from the top floors. There are a LOT of tours coming through the buildings so it's kinda weird having people watch us like we are in a zoo all the time. Anyway, that's all I have for now. Here are some pictures.

Mí Cama (bed)


Elder Utrilla

Elder Hutchison

La vista de el 6 piso

¡Hasta Luego! 

-Elder Hazeslip


  1. Hey, I know enough Spanish to catch all of the words. So far, so good. Happy mission!


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