Rest assured, we are staying VERY busy.


[Warm-up] Ok, I'm just gonna start writing because I don't even know what to say to get myself started typing. The smoke came back and I'm not too happy about that. Maybe I'll delete this when I am done, maybe not. Only time will tell.

Last Preparation day we went to the Steadmans in Raft River. We got to do the slides without water. It didn't work too well, so it kinda just turned into a competition to see who could make it the farthest. We also did the zipline. That was pretty fun. Especially if you use the slide blankets as a cape.

We did service again at the barnyard. We helped pick some of the vegetables I helped plant 4 MONTHS AGO?!?!!? Time really needs to chill out, we got way too many vegetables and are scrambling to use them for something before they go bad. Suggestions?

Way too much kale:

I also saw what an artichoke looks like if you let it bloom. It looks like this:

Elder Livingston and I have had a personal challenge to try to catch one of the Guinea hens they have at their barnyard. These are very fast birds. We finally succeeded. Elder Livingston did the catching, I just helped to corner it. 

It's really hard to do ok.

Anyway, back on the missionary side of things up here. We are doing really well and staying very busy. We are continuing to talk to people on the part member family list and a lot of people are really quite happy to see us. We spent the entirety of Saturday contacting people on the list, we only got sent away by 3 people. 

Rest assured, we are staying VERY busy.

This transfer is off to a really good start. We are finding lots people who are ready to learn about the gospel. Although we haven't found many that are ready to be taught right now (thanks to the wonderful blessing/curse of the potato and sugar beet harvests), I feel good knowing that they will have that opportunity in the future, even if I'm not here to teach them.

Alright! That's all I have for this week. Love you all!

-Elder Hazeslip

Q & A 

1. Do you have any questions for me? 

Elder Livingston wants to see a "Mormon Know Why" thing about Nahom. 

He also wants guitar tabs (sorta like sheet music but not like EGBDF layout) for "Come, Come ye Saints" and "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief"

Could you send me a chart that kinda shows the lineages/tribes of various people in the Old Testament/Book of Mormon?

Also, have they actually discovered a black hole? or are they just theoretical at this time?

Could you send me the new Nashville Tribute Band album? More details in question 3.

2. Do you need anything besides earmuffs for winter? When is it winter in IDAHO again? 

I really think earmuffs are gonna be all I need. Winter starts at any time. Once the harvest begins, snow can fall.

3. Best day this week? 

Saturday was pretty fun, even though it was kinda exhausting. We contacted a ton of people. We also had dinner with Sister Holt. She has some books she wrote. "Delivering Hope" is one. Anyway, they are a really fun family. She just helped write a song for Nashville Tribute Band, they have a new album out now. IDK if you could send it to me but I'd appreciate it. It's called "The Word". The song she wrote is called "Rachel". It was a cool story about how they ran into the guy though, definitely a miracle. They went to Nashville to meet one of their adopted son's biological family. But when they got there, they had moved. So they were in Nashville for a few days and met him. They were already planning on writing a song about Rachel, and asked her for pointers. She went home and wrote a poem, sent it to them, and they made it a song.

Have you heard of Diamond Rio? One of the two guys who does the NTB stuff is in that band too. Apparently they were big in the 90's

4. Funniest thing that happened this week? 

We knocked on one mans door. He was with his girlfriend in the house, so he decided to show off by saying, "DICEN QUE NADIE ESTA AQUI?" We responded "QUIEN ES NADIE!?!" We thought we were funny. 

Another really funny thing was that we knocked on this one lady's door; she said that she was a member and was very eager for us to get off her doorstep. We then talked with the bishop across the street and found out that she is very active and plays the organ every Sunday...

So yeah, we really got turned away by 4 people if you include the active member.

5. Best meal this week?

Honestly. I really liked some Little Caesar's pizza and salad we had one day. I haven't had that in a while. I was also very hungry, so that added to it.

6. Best thing about serving in Declo? 

The members are awesome and help us out a lot.

7. Hardest day this week? 

Sundays are tiring. We have sooooo many meetings we have to go to.

8. What did you learn this week?

We ran into this guy who is a scriptorian. He started telling us about a ton of "meat" so to speak. One of the things he said was that Moses was hard of speech because he was raised as an Egyptian, and didn't learn Hebrew until he was older, so it was hard for him to talk to the Israelites and that is why Aaron was his mouthpiece. Also, because of that, Moses and a lot of other prophets probably wrote using Egyptian hieroglyphics but using their own language. I.E. "the language of the Egyptians and the learning of the Jews"

9. What are you studying? 

Topical Guide study of "the last days" and "Salvation, Plan of"

10. What’s the meal most often prepared for you? Is it still lasagna or has something else taken the lead? 

We have had a really good mix lately. I'd say BBQ has been common though.

Alright, that is all I think! Love you!!!


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