I'd give up (a lot) for you to receive the blessings of the Gospel... Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Hi everyone! Apologies in advance for the rather small quantity of pictures this week. Hopefully the crazy stories make up for it!

This week we ran into some roadblocks with our investigators. Namely the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity. So, all of that was kind of a bummer. HOWEVER! There is still progress, so that makes things better.

Elder Blashill was sick one day this week, so to avoid going insane I undertook several home repair projects, including: Removing a razor cap from our bathroom sink drain, fitting an aerator onto the bathroom sink using aluminum foil instead of plumber's tape because it wasn't available, and fixing several shelves.

Then we visited J. Pretty much the best thing about serving in Declo. He is a really good chef and he signed up to feed us on Thursday. He wanted us to have a taste of home so he made us some BBQ Pulled Pork with all the fixin's. Best food I have had in Idaho. He also got me a birthday card that said:

*Picture of a Squirrel with a birthday hat and nuts*
"I'd give up my nuts for you to have a great birthday"
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that"

I read it and he let out a Trademark belly laugh. Then he asked, "So how old are ya now Spence? 15?" 
*winks at E' Blashill followed by another belly laugh*

He also got me some Hostess cupcakes with some candles on it. Which he lit with his oxygen on. But hey, we didn't blow up and it was a really nice gesture.

He is the best part of this area.

We had a dinner appointment with some famous people. Namely the nephew of the man who was the businessman behind KFC. So they gave us KFC. I think it was my first time having that. Pretty good.

Also crazy stuff that happens in this area, that if true, will be on Dateline NBC one day. Just bookmark this email and ask me about it if anything happens in Burley.

Then Sunday night we had snow cones, once again with ice cream and condensed milk. I tried suggesting flavors but I always get shot down because they don't look good on paper. This time it was Almond and Root Beer. I really liked it, but the person who I convinced to make it did not. So I am banned from suggesting flavors now...

Anyway, advice for this week, if you are living with your girlfriend and you have a 6 year old daughter. Get married. Only good things can come from it. 


-Elder Hazeslip

1. Do you need anything?  Not right now! Thank you though!

2. Did the dads/men/YM get treats in your wards today? If yes, what was it?  Not that I am aware of, the Albion ward had a missionary farewell (for a sister) so that kinda distracted from the Father’s Day theme.

3. Funniest moment this week? Shoot. Lots of them actually. I think the Birthday Card that J. gave me was pretty high up there.

4. Spiritual highlight this week?  We had a lesson with some investigators. We taught them about the Word of Wisdom and The Law of Chastity. After we taught them these things, he said (in Spanish) "Yeah, we didn't know these things were bad. We were walking blind. I know that if I follow the commandments of God my family will be blessed. I will stop."

5. Song recommendation for us? Also shoot. ummm, "Meant to Live" by Switchfoot 

6. Any questions for me? HMMMMMM.... Could you send me a picture of a brain with the lobes labeled? Also the names and locations of all of the Cranial Nerves? I think that's pretty much the only one. ALSO! A map of Arkansas with the counties labeled from the time when Arkansas first became a state. Thanks!

7. What did you learn this week?  I've been listening to all of Russell M. Nelson's talks since he became an apostle. There were a lot of cool things that I learned. A good one is called "We are children of God" 

8. Best meal(s) or food this week?  Pressure Cooker Pulled Pork sandwiches with all the fixin’s and stuff. Best food I've had in Idaho. He wanted us to have a little taste of home. 

9. Best thing about serving in Declo? J. and snow cone Sundays

10. Are you sleeping well? Is your bed comfortable? Our beds are pretty comfortable. The ones in Burley and Malta are not. We go on exchanges tonight, so tonight I will not have a very comfortable bed. But when I get home it will be better. 


 It Hawt

 Baby Turkeys


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