Golden Doodle


This week was really eventful (and therefore, very fast). We had 2 new people come to sacrament meeting this week. Yeah, so, um... Here is the rest of the email.

We do service at the senior center in Buhl from time to time. They gave us a tour of the upstairs portion of the building this week. It was built in the 20s and was pretty much abandoned in the 60's, although they used it as a homeless shelter until the 80's. It was cool to see the history of the town.

Hotel Buhl:

The creepy dolls were made by a few women in the town. It was their hobby. If you are on Main Street you can see them looking out the window. Just a little bit creepy to me IMHO.


San Jacinto, Nevada:

So, south of Jackpot is a small area called San Jacinto. It's pretty much just a ranch. Well, we drove out there and talked to all the people who were there at that time. It was really cool. They don't get visitors often, so they showed us around. We asked if we could come back to share about Jesus Christ and said we could come back any time.


Lots of Hispanic people here! Elder Easter is practicing his Spanish and we found a few people who hadn't been visited by missionaries before. That is always fun to do! We ended up having dinner at the Cactus Pete's Buffet with the branch president. The trip was definitely worth it.

The only other major event this week was Zone Conference. 3 people in my previous district gave departing testimonies (Sister Gossling, Elder Silva, Elder Miller). Time is running out!

Love you all!

-Elder Hazeslip


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