Yabba Dabba Doo, The Church is True

Hola amgios! Today marks the beginning of a new transfer. I couldn't have imagined a better climax than this past week. It went by ridiculously fast because of everything we were doing!

It all started after I wrote my last email on Monday. We had a ward party at this famous place in Raft River called "The Steadman's". It is just a family's house that has two huge water slides, a zip line, volleyball nets, and a lot more. The water slides had just a little bit of water on it. Everyone kept asking us to go down it, I was ready to jump on, but Elder Blashill held strong and kept us from taking the slip 'n slide of questionable obedience. Which would have dragged us speedily down to 5 transfers in Acequia.

 Also the candy cannon, the Steadman's very own atomic piñata:
 The big miracle we had this week was that we couldn't find a referral we received. We were driving around and saw a kid with a cast up his leg. We stopped and asked what happened. The conversation somehow drifted to the topic of how hot it has been. We told them to look out for any extra A/C units for us.

"You guys don't have one, we have two units sitting in our shed right now!"


Both of these blessings have been captured in one picture for convenience:

Oh yeah, we did service for T and I caught a chicken. (Pic at top of blog)

We also were able to have dinner at the legendary J's house. No rocky mountain oysters this time, just polish sausages. I did however apply some of the ATOMIC Ghost Pepper Mustard to mine. It wasn't too bad initially, it was less pleasant the rest of the evening. We also had J show us how to filet a Bass (I called it a trout last week, that was incorrect). Later that day we returned the fishing poles to J’s brother. He was excited to hear we caught some fish and offered to take us out on his boat. We had to decline, but he still wanted to take us out to Oakley to fish on the bank. We later found out that people beg him for years to take them fishing, so we are definitely "in" boys. He also told us to go up to the Ski Area (which he used to run and still partially owns) and take a lift ride and get a burger. More on that later.

The next day I cooked and ate my bass. It was good. I have the taste for fish flesh now. I will have no mercy next time I go fishing.

On Friday J. had his baptismal interview. The 28th is going to be lit (unless I get transferred so far away that I won't make it)

Saturday was the craziest day of the week.


So we had heard a lot about this town festival called "Declo Days". Even the sign coming into Declo says "Declo: Home of Declo Days (2nd Saturday in July)"

It is a big deal.

We showed up for the parade. It was an interesting combination of pool noodle dancing and people just driving a truck with a new 4 wheeler in the back. We kinda felt like celebrities, everyone talked to us as we were walking down to the park. We are kicking ourselves that we didn't take the tandem bike and ride in the parade. Future Declo Elders take note.

We then went to the park where the rest of the craziness happened. Dunk Tank, Helicopter Rides, BBQ, Slime, T-shirts, Horchata.

You can see which ones I purchased:

After Declo Days, we went up to Albion and J took us up to the mountain. We rode the ski lift and J told us stories about the days when he worked up there. We could see all of our mission and more. J said we could have seen farther if it weren't for the smoke in the air.

We also got a burger from the ski lodge and J drove us up to the top of Mt. Harrison.

We could see the curvature of the earth up there...


On Sunday, we had a really good Stake Priesthood Meeting. They had one of the emeritus stake patriarchs give a talk. He was a very elderly gentleman and was describing how he prepared to give a blessing. He said he would have the mother give a prayer to begin, "because women are just more spiritual."

Then he pointed at the one woman in attendance and said in a very raspy voice, "DON'T GET COCKY!!"
Good times.

Today we are planning on going to Mt. Harrison and Lake Cleveland as a district. We are currently stranded in Burley because our car is in the shop getting an oil change and they are taking their own sweet time.

We find out this Tuesday who goes where. No matter what happens, I'm excited!

Love you all!

-Elder Hazeslip

Q & A

1. Did you get your retainer, does it actually fit? Do you need anything?
It fits pretty well, I wore it for a full day when I got it.

2. Any questions for me?
Pommerelle ski lift accident? January 1, 1973

3. How are your persons with interest?
Good! J had his Interview and we have a new person we are teaching in Springdale!

4. Best meal this week?
The burger on the mountain was really good.

5. Best day this week?
It’s gotta be Declo Days. That was the most people I've talked to in this area ever. It was almost too much.

6. Best thing about being a full time missionary?
People know why we are here. So it's not really too awkward.

7. Hardest thing about being a full time missionary?
People think they know why we are here. So it's easy for them to just start ignorantly yelling at us.

8. What happens on your one year mark? August 15 is one month away! 
Not much, the bigger milestone is July 30th. 1 year left!! I already burned a shirt on accident in the MTC, so nothing major.

9. Scripture verse recommendation for this week? Why?
Alma 11:43, our bodies are imperfect for now. That is just how life is. But we know that no matter what physical trials we are going through, we will eventually receive a perfect body.

10. What did you learn this week? 
I really enjoyed the talk, "Honorably Hold a Name and Standing" by Elder Bednar, especially since we have a temple trip this next transfer.

11. Still predict you are staying in Declo? Do you know for sure yet? 
I think I will stay. But we will see!

Bonus question from Sister Anita Grisham: (she’s the new Seminary teacher for Cabot/Jax)
“I have a question for Elder Hazeslip. Now that he is using technology on his mission, how effective does he think it would be to have Seminary students become proficient in the Gospel Library app, i.e. knowing where to find things, knowing how to use the notes, etc.?“
Yes, Gospel Library is one of the greatest tools for studying the gospel ever created.

Also, learning how to use LDS Media Library to make presentations would be useful too.


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